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About Us

The Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics was formed in 2011 upon the creation of School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science. The department is responsible for the teaching and research in Mathematics throughout the University.


Besides offering a bridging certificate in Mathematics, the department offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Mathematics. The undergraduate courses include BSc in Mathematical Sciences with IT, BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science, BSc in Mathematics and Economics with IT, and BSc in Mathematics and Business Studies with IT. The department also trains Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts students who are taking mathematics as part of their course requirements. Our postgraduate courses are MSc and PhD in both Pure and Applied Mathematics.


The department is blessed with a faculty of diverse research backgrounds including analysis, abstract algebra, combinatorics, fluid mechanics, graph theory, computer algebra, number theory and mathematical biology. This ensures quality teaching and research within the department. The graduates of the department serve the country and beyond in teaching, research and in industries.



To be a centre of excellence in mathematics training and research in the region.



To ensure quality service provision to students as well as to guarantee that the department discovers, promotes, applies and disseminates mathematical knowledge.


Core Values


·         Relevance

The department is committed to ensuring relevance of its programmes and activities.


·         Excellence

Excellence shall be targeted in outputs by students and faculty.


·         Equity

The department shall ensure that there is equity in all opportunities that may arise in the department.


·         Quality

All outputs and processes within the department shall ensure that quality is maintained.


·         Integrity

The department shall ensure integrity in all its undertaking.


Quality Objectives

1.      To pursue excellence in teaching, research, outreach and extension.

2.      To produce internationally recognized, informed, practical, and self-reliant graduates capable of contributing to knowledge and development in a variety of settings.

3.      To offer opportunities for training through open, distance and e-learning.

4.      To be innovative, competitive, and a world class entrepreneurial department of Maseno University.

To secure and manage resources in order to achieve the set goals effectively.